The Constitution & Conservative Values

The conservative values that are most important to the role of Trustee here in Tyrone Township in my mind include fiscally responsible decision making, limiting the size and role of government in our lives, keeping our taxes low, and understanding that elected officials are obligated to genuinely listen to the very people they represent.

Regarding the Constitution: The Constitution should be understood and interpreted as it was originally written. The three branches of government should serve as a check and balance for one another. 

1st Amendment: We have the right to speak freely, publish freely, and believe/practice whatever religion we choose. We also have the right to petition our grievances. Social Media and media in general have dramatically changed the way we receive and process information. Misinformation is everywhere and it’s harder and harder to discern fact from fiction. While I believe firmly in the first amendment, as consumers of information we have the responsibility to find a way to filter through algorithms and media bias. I am not suggesting regulation or laws, I just think we need to better understand sources, and how new streams of information work to profoundly impact audiences. 

2nd Amendment: We have the right to bear arms. I have further thoughts on this personally. I’m a teacher and the world of gun violence has deeply impacted schools and children across America. I don’t think the answer is over regulation and taking anyone’s guns away. I also don’t believe the answer is arming teachers.  I do believe that gun owners have a responsibility to store guns safely. In the aftermath of the Oxford school shooting, I participated in a focus group of parents with leaders from Fenton Schools and I was pleased to see the work they did there to beef up support for kids on the preventative and mental health side of things. They work closely with law enforcement to build relationships, integrate Positivity Projects, build a community with families, and these action steps are a micro example of what I think needs to happen on a larger scale. There’s a broken system for getting people the help and support they need. If an individual wants to cause harm, they will find a way, with or without a gun.


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